Currency Converter

Currency converter (calculator) is a user-friendly, fast and free service from Maanimo for online conversion of the amount of one currency to another at the rate that is the average among all Philippine banks represented on this website. You can convert any foreign currency in one click.

1 USD to PHP = 57.873 Philippine pesos
57.606 PHP

Foreign Exchange Rate

🇵🇭 PHP
Currency Buy Sell
🇺🇸 USD 57.606 58.14
🇪🇺 EUR 58.6046 61.9615
🇬🇧 GBP 70.4962 74.7129
🇯🇵 JPY 0.3712 0.3942
🇸🇬 SGD 41.7209 44.2185
🇭🇰 HKD 7.1577 7.5521
🇦🇺 AUD 35.4614 37.8296
🇨🇦 CAD 38.9068 41.4958
🇰🇷 KRW 0.0361 0.0461
🇸🇦 SAR 12.38 15.61
🇨🇭 CHF 61.4748 65.7833
🇨🇳 CNY 7.6605 8.1193
🇧🇭 BHD 144.83 155.34
🇧🇳 BND 40.92 44.37
🇮🇩 IDR 0.003 0.0041
🇹🇭 THB 1.6103 1.744
🇹🇼 TWD 1.6517 1.7891
🇳🇿 NZD 30.82 34.05

Currency Rate Chart


How does the currency converter work?

1. Select the currency under the inscription “GIVE” and enter the numerical value in the field below.
2. You want to convert to under the word “GET” and You will immediately see the result in the field below.
3. You can swap fields by clicking the arrows.
4. The exchange rate of the currency selected for conversion in relation to other currencies is available in the fields below.

What data does the currency converter use?

The currency converter at uses the average exchange rate data from Philippine banks presented on this website. The update is done once every 30 minutes.

What are the benefits of the currency converter at

Convenient functionality, instant conversion result, free service, 24-hour operation, daily update every half hour, a large selection of world currencies.